Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


1. Inquiry Letter

 2. Order Letter


3. Complaint Letter

Foster’s Master Builders Ltd
21 Lodge Lane
S31 3ES
Tel: 0114 2872222


17 June 2004

Mr Richard Whitley
25 Finch Avenue
LS20 2JT

Dear Mr Whitley


Thank you for your letter of 15 June. I am sorry that the estimated period for completion of your bungalow has already been exceeded. I realize how much inconvenience this delay must be causing you.

I would, however, ask you to remember that we have had an exceptionally severe winter. This made work on the site extremely difficult during several periods of heavy snow. Secondly, there was a nationwide shortage of building materials earlier this year, from which the trade is only now recovering. Had it not been for these two unforeseen difficulties, the estimated completion period of 8 months would have been met.

Fortunately the weather has improved a lot in recent weeks and as such work on your bungalow is now proceeding smotthly. Unless there are any other unforeseen delays I can safely guarantee that the bungalow will be ready for you by the end of August.

Please do not hestitate to telephone me if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely


4. Aplication Letter

PT Janoko

Soekarno-Hatta road 123 Telp (0352) 311 110


October 31, 2012


Subject: Call

Designation. SdrSubekti Jokotole

Sambit Bangsalan Village District


In response to a job application letter youwe thank youFor further discussion,we expect the arrival of brothers on:

day, date: Monday, November 5, 2012

TimeAt 10.00 precisely

purposesthe TOEIC test and interview test in English

place: 2nd Floor, room Suromenggolo B

Soekarno-Hatta Road 123 Telephone (0352) 311 110 Ponorogo

On occasion, we expect you:

1) brings the original degree certificate,

2) bring a transcript and a copy.

3) bring 2B pencils and erasers.

4) under dark and white dress.
Such a summons is madeTop your attentionI thank you.

Chief of Personnel,
ProfDrMac. AroemMSc.

sumber :


1. Inquiry Letter

Definition of Inquiry letter : 

Inquiry letter is a letter of request, also known as a letter of the candidate. Which will be sent to companies. Request letter is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information products offered. With a quote from the seller then potential buyers will know the price and a information of the items or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a write request letter to the seller. When the prospective buyer has to know the condition of an item or services following the price and term of sale and purchase, of course he does not need anymore request a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade requiring formal procedures in writing. The letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transaction. By the letter of inquiry prospective buyers ask or inquiry about the items or service to be purchased. In response, the seller expalined the things he want to know the buyer, buyer’s reservation and eventually business transaction as the end of the buying and selling process

In the letter of inquiry for the items usually offer prospective buyers ask :
          1. Specification of items, namely : type, size, quality, capacity, etc.
         2.The price per unit.
          3. How to pay
          4. How to surrender, and
      5. Easy that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and other.

In addition to things mentioned above prospective buyers asking price lists and catalogs (if the items varies), and a technical description of the items in the form of leaflet or brochures. For items that are possible, prospective buyers can also request sent examples of the real stuff.
Through a letter of inquiry and supply service, prospecitve buyers can inquiry :
      1. The form of services that can be presented by the seller.
       2. Equipment that can be used by the seller as a support (If any)
      3. Price
      4. Piece and
      5. How to pay.
  Letter of inquiry example:

2. Order Letter

An order letter is usually written when a company purchases or buys  or order goods or services from another party. Here is an Order Letter you  might need  when  you order goods and materials.  Do not forget to clearly state the exact name of the merchandise, the price, and the amount of payment being sent. 

     Personal Purchase Order Sample

154 Green Avenue Newyork, USA January 5, 2010
Ms. K. Hutchinson Beller Company, Inc. 424 Park Avenue New York, New York 10021
Dear Ms. Hutchinson :
Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post : 1 copy Emmet and Mullen, High School Algebra @ $7.50 $ 7.50 25 copies Pinehurst, Plane Geometry @ $8.75 $ 218.75 Total $ 226.25 I am enclosing a money order for 226.25. If there are additional charges, please let me know. Please mail the books to the address given above.
Very truly yours,

Brandon Michael
(Adapted from Let’s Write English by George E. Wishon & Julia M. Burks)

    Company Purchase Order Sample

Seven Siblings Limited
17 Sweet Road, West Bandung Tlp. 022-8765432 Post Code 41134

July 9, 2013
Purchase Order
      Toko Englet
     11 Main Street
      San Fransisco, USA
     ZIP CODE 91234

Attention : Miss Kim Jackson

Dear Miss Jackson :

Please accept this purchase order for the following :

 No.              Product  Quantity  Unit Price  Total
 1  Single Brush Polisher Colombia 400  4  $ 3,000  $ 12,000
 2  Extractor SX 144  4  $ 2,000  $  8,000
 Total  $ 20,000

We require shipment by August 17, 2013 to :

PT Pama
No. 1 Jl. Cileungsi,
 Bogor, Indonesia
Post Code 40156

Please refer to this order as "purchase order # SS01234. Should you need more information, please contact me at 62-22-756756 at your earliest convenience or email me at


Dede Prana
Purchasing Manager

3. Complaint Letter 


Writing a letter of complaint can be tricky, but the most important thing to remember is to be direct and tasteful. No one will take your complaint seriously if you are ranting and raving. Take a look at this example complaint letter for ideas on how you should approach writing a letter of complaint.

Example complaint letter:

56 Disgruntled Street
Somewhere Unhappy

Customer Service Manager
That Awful Company
Somewhere Awful

June 15, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from your company on June 12, 2008. I was visited by a representative of That Awful Company, Mr. Madman, at my home on that day.
Mr. Madman was one hour late for his appointment and offered nothing by way of apology when he arrived at noon. Your representative did not remove his muddy shoes upon entering my house, and consequently left a trail of dirt in the hallway. Mr. Madman then proceeded to present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone I was not interested in. I repeatedly tried to ask your representative about the products that were of interest to me, but he refused to deal with my questions. We ended our meeting after 25 minutes without either of us having accomplished anything.
I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning (and half a day's vacation) waiting for Mr. Madman to show up. My impression of That Awful Company has been tarnished, and I am now concerned about how my existing business is being managed by your firm. Furthermore, Mr. Madman's inability to remove his muddy shoes has meant that I have had to engage the services, and incur the expense, of a professional carpet cleaner.
I trust this is not the way That Awful Company wishes to conduct business with valued customers—I have been with you since the company was founded and have never encountered such treatment before. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss matters further and to learn of how you propose to prevent a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

4. Aplication Letter 


Application Letter

5. Memo

TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive
FROM: Jonathon Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant
DATE: June 14, 2007
SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion

Market research and analysis show that the proposed advertising media for the new fall lines need to be reprioritized and changed. Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the styles and trends of young adults today. No longer are young adults interested in sitcoms as they watch reality televisions shows. Also, it is has become increasingly important to use the internet as a tool to communicate with our target audience to show our dominance in the clothing industry.

Internet Advertising
XYZ Company needs to focus advertising on internet sites that appeal to young people. According to surveys, 72% of our target market uses the internet for five hours or more per week. The following list shows in order of popularity the most frequented sites:
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Myspace
  • EBay
  • iTunes
Shifting our efforts from our other media sources such as radio and magazine to these popular internet sites will more effectively promote our product sales. Young adults are spending more and more time on the internet downloading music, communicating and researching for homework and less and less time reading paper magazines and listening to the radio. As the trend for cultural icons to go digital, so must our marketing plans.

Television Advertising
It used to be common to advertise for our products on shows like Friends and Seinfeld for our target audience, but even the face of television is changing. Young adults are tuning into reality television shows for their entertainment. Results from the focus group show that our target audience is most interested in shows like American Idol,The Apprentice, and America's Next Top Model. The only non-reality television show to be ranked in the top ten most commonly watched shows by males and females 18-25 is Desperate Housewives. At Blue Incorporated, we need to focus our advertising budget on reality television shows and reduce the amount of advertising spent on other programs.
By refocusing our advertising efforts of our new line of clothing we will be able to maximize the exposure of our product to our target market and therefore increase our sales. Tapping into the trends of young adults will help us gain market share and sales through effective advertising.
Attachments: Focus Group Results, January- May 2007; Survey Findings, January - April 2007
This is a sample memo; facts and statistics used are fictional.

 sumber :

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013


Definition of english business + types of english letter

1. Business means buying and selling, and English is the name of our mother tongue. Business English is obviously such English as is used in mercantile transactions. Our definition is quickly made.
But it will bear expansion. We must answer certain questions that inevitably arise. Is some special brand of English used in business? And how are we to know when we are studying business and when merely the English of business?
Take the first of these two questions. There are of course certain words which name business transactions primarily. Buy, sell, exchange, barter, trade, purchase, shop, customer, hire, rent, pay, fee, price, retail, wholesale, lease, mortgage, merchandise, commodity, goods, stock, office, factory, finance, money, funds, capital, interest, sum, amount, balance, cash, currency, bill, receipt, note, draft, check, bank, cashier, bookkeeper, stenographer, clerk - hundreds of words like these will occur to us at random as being mercantile words in a peculiar sense.
To be sure, they are not all limited to business transactions. Note the word brand. It is primarily mercantile, naming a particular kind of goods. But in the second paragraph, above, the phrase "special brand of English" appears. Here the word is used figuratively. Every business word can be extended in that way to social or literary use. When we speak of wholesale slaughter, or of a stock of words, we use commercial figures of speech, and Americans are exceedingly fond of doing so. You have heard people speak of a thoroughly posted man, as if a man were a ledger. You have heard them speak of the balance of the day, as if time were literally money. You have noticed that an American likes to claim everything in sight; I mean, he prefers to claim that a thing is so, rather than assert, declare, contend, allege, maintain, or swear that it is so.
§2.But the strictly commercial words, again, aria not the only ones employed in business. In addition to such words as are listed above in our third paragraph, business employs thousands of terms from science and technology. If a man is buying or selling machinery, he must know the names of the machines. If it falls to him to buy the parts of them, he must know the names of the parts. Does business English, then, include the study of everything that is bought or sold? If it did, it would include nearly the whole dictionary. Everything is bought or sold, from surgical instruments to Egyptian mummies. Nothing is exempt but heaven and love and faith. "Tis only heaven that is given away; Mis only God may be had for the asking." And there are gloomy times when we feel that even faith and love are sold.

Parts of letter
The following are the parts of a business letter listed in the proper sequential order.

Letterhead - Stationary printed at the top of the page including the company name, logo, full address, and other elements such as trademark symbols, phone & fax numbers, and an e-mail.

Dateline - The date is the month (spelled out), day, and year. If you are using Microsoft Word, click - Insert, then Time and Date. Press Enter four times after the date.

Letter Address - The complete address of the recipient of the letter. The letter address usually includes the personal title (Mr., Mrs. etc.), first and last name followed by the company name, street address, city, province, and postal code. Press Enter twice after letter address.

Salutation - The word Dear followed by the personal title and last name of the recipient (Dear Mr. Smith). Press Enter twice after the salutation.

Body - The text that makes up the message of the letter. Single-space the paragraphs and double-space between the paragraphs. Press Enter twice after the last paragraph.

Complimentary closing - A phrase used to end a letter. Capitalize only the first letter. If there is a colon after the salutation, there must be a comma after the complimentary close. Press Enter four times (or more) after the complimentary close to allow for a written signature.

Name and title of writer - Type the first and last name of the sender. The sender's personal title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc) should be included. Use a comma to separate the job title if it's on the same line as the name. Do not use a comma if the job title is on a separate line. Press Enter twice after the name or title.
Styles of business letter
 The Styles of Business Letters (Layouts of Business Letters) have undergone changes over the period of time. In the old times, the style was followed strictly. 
          But recently liberty has been given to the business people to follow their own styles. Although no room was allowed for deviation form the standard form an effective letter during old days, the letters written then was more effective. There are still many business houses which use the old layout
          But things have become much easier and business people have taken liberty in their approach towards adopting the layout of their business letters.

1. Full Block Style

2. Block Style

3. Semi Block Style

          Fully-Blocked Style, Modified Block Style and Simplified Style are widely used these days among the business houses. Fully-Indented Style, Semi-Indented Style and Hanging-Indented Style are not extensively used. But all can be used by all. There is no restriction in using one style over others. It is only you who should decide which should be the best for you to bring the desired results. 

4. Idented Style

5. Simplified

 6. Hanging Idented Style

          Usually, the business letters are written on the letter head of the company. In case you have to write your letter in a white paper, please write your address before you start writing your letter. There are few people who suggest writing the sender’s address just below the date. This is also acceptable. There is not strict rule to suggest what is best for you. Let your sense of business judgment rule.